Fun Facts about Parrots as Pets

Fun Facts about Parrots as Pets


Parrots are really smart and fun pets. They have many beautiful colors like green, red, blue, and more. There are over 372 types of parrots around the world. Most of these parrots live in warm places. Parrots have strong toes and a bent beak, which is like their mouth. Parrots are not just colorful they are also clever. They can learn to talk like humans, copying words. They like being around other parrots and people, so spending time with them is important. Parrots also love to show off their fancy feathers. Did you know that parrots can also solve puzzles? Yes, they’re not just colorful and fun, but they’re smart too. Having a parrot around is like having a lively, clever, and chatty buddy who’s always up for some fun.

Parrots Can Live for More Than 100 Years

Can you believe that some parrots can live for more than 100 years?

Small birds, like budgies and cockatiels, usually live around 8 to 15 years. But big birds, like macaws and grey parrots, can live much longer, from 25 to 50 years. Some types of parrots, such as Macaws and Amazons, are known to live really long lives, sometimes over 80 years. The oldest parrot was a cockatoo that lived at least 82 years. 

If you’re thinking about having a parrot, it is important to know how many years they can live. Choosing a Macaw or Amazon is a big commitment because they might be a part of your family for your whole life. Their age is 80 years or more.

Eat with their Feet

Parrots use their feet when they eat. People think birds eat with their beaks, but parrots have strong legs and feet. They grab onto their food with their feet and then bring it up to their beak to eat. It’s a bit like how humans use their fingers to eat.

Parrots Can Copy How Humans Talk

Only a few animals can talk, and some birds like crows and mynah birds can copy human speech. But parrots are the best at saying words like humans. There are also other animals like Koshik, an Asian elephant, NOC, a beluga whale, and Hoover, a harbor seal, that have learned to say words like humans.

Parrots Eat Both Plants and Meat

Parrots Eat Both Plants and Meat
Credit: Cyrill / Pexels

Parrots eat a lot of different things. They like fruits, nuts, seeds, meat, and bugs. They also eat plants like leaves and vegetables. Parrots eat a mix of food.

Parrots Can Be Seven Pounds

Parrots can be big or small. For Example, the Kakapo parrot It’s a special kind of bird that can’t fly, and it can be as heavy as 7 pounds. This parrot is not only the heaviest, but it’s also super rare.

The Tiniest Parrot is Only Three Inches

Some parrots are small. The smallest kind is called Pygmy parrots, and they are only three inches long. These little birds are quick and can move around easily.

Parrots Usually Lay Two to Eight Eggs

A parrot can lay two to eight eggs at one time. It takes about 18 to 30 days for the eggs to hatch. During this time, the mother and father parrots take turns sitting on the eggs. When the eggs hatch, baby parrots won’t start growing feathers until they’re about three weeks old.

A Group of Parrots is Called a Pandemonium

A group of parrots is called a pandemonium, which means they are wild and noisy. When parrots are together, they can be all over the place, loud, and a bit crazy, especially when they are young. Parrots are really interesting! They’re super smart, do fun things, and you can teach them stuff. But, they need a lot of attention from you and don’t like being alone for a long time. If you have enough time and energy to give them, parrots can be amazing pets.

Parrots Make Homes Inside Trees

You might think parrots build nests on branches like many other birds. Most parrots like the extra safety of holes inside trees. This keeps them safer from other animals that might want to harm their babies. Some people believe parrots don’t like being around people, but that’s not true at all. Actually, parrots really enjoy getting love and attention from their owners.

398 Kinds of Parrots

There are 398 species of parrots and they are usually found in warm places like Asia, Australia, Central and South America, and Africa. But, some live in different spots. The Kea is a special parrot in New Zealand that can live in the cold mountains. It has thick feathers and a round body, which keeps it warm up there.

How Parrots Are Different from Other Birds?

Parrots are special because they are not like other birds. They have two toes in the front and two in the back, that’s what we call “zygodactyls”. Their beaks are different they can move the top and bottom parts separately. When parrots yawn, their upper beak goes up without moving their whole head, unlike other birds. Also, parrots are the only birds that can use their feet to bring food to their mouths. Most birds use their beaks to lift food or their feet to grab things, but parrots do it in their own way. So, parrots have some cool things that set them apart from other birds.

Where Parrots Sleep

Parrots sleep on high branches. They like to tuck one foot close to their body while sleeping. This keeps them safe from animals on the ground when they are in the wild.

Feather Change Time for Parrots

Parrots have a special time when they change their feathers. They lose the old ones and get new ones. This helps keep their feathers healthy. While this happens, they might look a bit untidy, but it doesn’t last long.


Eyesight in Parrots
Credit: Werlley Meira / Pexels

Parrots have remarkable eyesight. Parrots can see really well. They can see many colors, even ones we can’t see, like ultraviolet light. This great vision helps them move around, find food, and know other parrots.

Feather Care

Parrots really take care of their feathers. They use their beaks to clean each feather carefully. This helps them keep their pretty feathers in good shape.

Taking Care of Babies

When parrots become parents, they are very good caregivers. The mother and father take turns keeping the eggs warm and looking after the baby birds. They work together to give them protection, and food.

Morning Songs

Parrots wake up early and make happy sounds in the morning. They start the day with cheerful chirps and squawks, which can be both fun and a good way to wake up for their owners.

Fun Bath Time for Parrots

Parrots like taking baths, and they have fun ways to do it. Some like a spray of water. Watching them play in the water is not just cute but also important for keeping their feathers healthy.

Memory Marvels

Parrots are really good at remembering things. They can remember faces, sounds, and even certain words or phrases for a long time. This helps them learn tricks and copy what people say.

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