Different Kinds of Friendly Pet Birds

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The best bird to have as a pet, especially if you are new to having one, is a bird that is nice, gentle, and likes to be with people. This is important if you’re not used to having a pet bird. Being friends with and caring for a naturally friendly bird is easier.

If you and your family have lots of pets or can’t have cats and dogs because of allergies, you might think about getting a bird. Just give these birds some love, and they will be your friends for a really long time. Here are birds that are usually very friendly and make great buddies.


Parakeets, also called “budgies,” can be good friends for your family. They are friendly and can do cute things like nibbling on your hand, whistling along with tunes, and learning simple commands. If you spend time with them, they can become really close to you.

  • Weight: 1 ounce
  • Length: 7 inches
  • How long they can live: 7 to 15 years


Cockatiels are great pets, especially for beginners. They enjoy playing with their owners and need about one hour of attention every day. These birds like to be out of their cage, so provide them with a stick or something similar to sit on. This way, they can spend time and be friendly even if you’re not playing with them directly.

  • Weight: 2.5 to 4 ounces
  • Length: 12 to 13 inches
  • How long they can live: 10 to 15 years


Cockatoos are interesting birds because they really like attention. They become close to their owners and enjoy being in a good relationship with them. If they don’t get love and attention, they feel sad and start to pluck their feathers. But if they are played with and loved daily. So they will be happy and fit well in the family.

  • Weight: 10 to 30 ounces
  • Length: 12 to 25 inches
  • How long they can live: 40 to 70 years


If you want a lifelong friend, you can stop looking now. Lovebirds create strong bonds with their partners, whether it’s another bird or a human. They enjoy taking baths, so make sure to give them a bowl of water two or three times a week for some fun playtime.

  • Weight: 1.5 to ounces
  • Length: 5 to 6.5 inches
  • How long they can live: 5 to 15 years


If your family wants a pet bird that’s easy to take care of, consider getting a finch. Finches are pretty to look at, and they make cute sounds. They like staying in their cage and don’t need much attention from people.

If you want a bird that likes spending time with you, you could think about getting a parakeet. They’re about the same size as finches.

  • Weight: 0.5 to 1 ounce
  • Length: 4 inches
  • How long they can live: 15 to 20 years


Conures are originally from Central and South America. If you give them a big cage, with space to spread their wings and feed them pellets and leafy greens, they will be happy in almost any home. If you’re thinking of getting a conure for your child, remember they can live up to 30 years. You will be taking care of them for a long time.

  • Weight: 9 to 10 ounces
  • Length: 13 inches
  • How long they can live: 20 to 30 years


They can live for up to 20 years. They enjoy playing with toys and games. Be aware that they can be loud in the morning and evening, so you might want to cover their cage during those times.

  • Weight: 1 ounce
  • Length: 4.5 to 5 inches
  • How long they can live: 15 to 20 years


Doves can be good pets for families. Doves like to live together with their family or friends and they like to sleep in their cozy nests at night. You can give doves a tasty snack of fresh fruit once or twice a week.

  • Weight: 3 to 6 ounces
  • Length: 9 to 13 inches
  • How long they can live: 1.5 years


Pets Lady says pionus birds can live up to 40 years. These pretty birds enjoy playing with everyone, so they won’t get too attached to just one person in your family. If you’re prepared to take care of a bird with your children, then the Pionus is a good choice for you.

  • Weight: 8 to 11 1/2 ounces
  • Length: 11 inches
  • How long they can live: 25 to 40 years

Meyer’s Parrot:

Some people might avoid Meyer’s Parrot because they think all parrots are noisy, but this bird is different. These calm and friendly birds enjoy attention and playing. According to Pets Lady, Meyer’s parrots may nibble occasionally but don’t usually bite a lot. They are a good choice for families with older children.

  • Weight: 3 to 4 ounces
  • Length: 8 to 9 inches
  • How long they can live: 25 years

Hyacinth Macaw:

Big parrots called hyacinth macaws are super friendly and love to be with people. They are the biggest parrots and enjoy playing and cuddling with their owners. Since they are quite big, it might be tough for most people to find them a good home. But if you can take good care of them, you can have a wonderful relationship with your bird.

Hyacinth macaws are best for people who already know a lot about taking care of birds.

  • Weight: 42 to 51 ounces
  • Length: 40 inches
  • How long they can live: 50 years

Eclectus Parrot:

The eclectus parrot is a kind of bird that comes from the rainforests in the Solomon Islands. These birds look different depending on if they are male or female. The boys are bright green, and the girls are red. They are big and smart birds and are very friendly. But, they like a calm and quiet home because loud noises can make them nervous. It’s important for them to spend time with people and have a routine every day.

They can learn to talk, and while they can be noisy, they are not as loud as some other kinds of parrots.

  • Weight: 13 to 18 ounces
  • Length: 17 to 20 inches
  • How long they can live: 20-30 years


Canaries are nice birds from the Canary Islands. The boys sing sweetly. They are small, happy, and smart birds. You can teach them to sit on your hand easily. They are good for people who are new to having birds. Canaries like being gently touched but don’t like being handled too much. They are simple to take care of.

  • Weight: Less than 1 ounce
  • Length: 5 to 8 inches
  • How long they can live: 10 – 12 years

African Gray Parrot:

The African gray parrot is like the smartest pet bird ever. It understands what people say, can figure out problems, cares about others’ feelings, and can even say up to 1000 words!

Plus, it’s really loving, so it’s a great choice if you want a pet bird that’s both clever and cuddly.

  • Weight: 14oz
  • Length: 12 to 13 inches
  • How long they can live: up to 23 years

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