
10 Things You Should Know Before You Get a Pet Bird


Having a pet bird can be really nice, but it’s important to know some things before you get one. Birds are special friends, and they need special care. To make sure your new bird is happy and healthy. Having a bird is different from having a common pet like a dog or a cat. There are unique problems and things to take care of. Here are ten important things to know before getting a pet bird.

Birds Make a Natural Mess:

Birds are naturally messy. It doesn’t matter if they’re big or small, or what type of bird they are – they just make a mess. They drop food in their cages, and many birds enjoy throwing food through the bars onto the floor, especially right after you’ve cleaned.

Birds Make Noise:

Birds can be loud. Some birds, like canaries, make nice sounds when they chirp. But others can be really noisy, screaming or squawking for a long time up to 10 to 30 minutes! When choosing a pet bird, think about how much noise you can handle.

Birds Chew Everything:

Pet birds like to chew on things. They may bite on things like food, wood, cardboard, paper, plants, plastic, fabric, and woodwork. Their beaks keep growing, and they have to chew on stuff to keep them from getting too big. Chewing is like a way for birds to take care of themselves. But sometimes, it can cause a mess or damage things like furniture. To fix this, you can give your pet bird safe and fun toys to play with and chew on. This way, they can keep their beaks in check without ruining important stuff.

Birds Lose Feathers and Make Dust:

Birds naturally lose their old feathers and grow new ones in a process called molting. This can take some time, and during this time, you might find a lot of feathers on the ground and in the air around the bird’s cage. When new feathers are growing, they create dust that can cover the floor and the area near the cage.

Credit: Matthias Zomer / Pexels

Birds Need Diets:

To keep your pet bird happy and healthy, give it fresh fruits and veggies every day. This helps with good nutrition and lets your bird enjoy different flavors and textures, which is good for its mind.

Credit: Magda Ehlers / Pexels

Birds might nibble:

Birds can sometimes nibble or bite. This can happen to anyone, including the person who takes care of them. If a bird has a larger beak, the bite can hurt more. So, it’s important to be careful around birds to avoid getting bitten.

Birds Need Attention:

Birds enjoy being around people. Unlike cats and dogs. Birds need a lot of time and attention from their human friends to stay happy and friendly. If you are busy a lot, a bird might not be the best pet for you. They like chatting and playing with their owners, so they need folks who have time to be with them often.

Birds Can Be Trained:

Training birds is possible. It might take some time and patience. Begin with simple commands and slowly teach them more difficult tricks. Giving treats when they do well helps a lot. Be consistent in your training. That means doing the same thing over and over again.

Make a Safe Place for Birds:

Birds are curious animals, and their home needs to be safe. Take away things that could harm them, like plants that are poisonous, open windows, or cords they can reach. Give them things to sit on and play with to keep them happy and healthy.

Think about how long birds can live before getting one. Small parrots can live 15-20 years, and big ones like macaws can live even longer. Make sure you’re ready to take care of your bird for its whole life.

Choose the Right Kind of Bird:

Birds are different from each other, and each type has its own traits and things it needs. Some birds, like budgies and cockatiels, are friendly and calm. But bigger parrots might need more room and time. Look into different kinds of birds to find one that matches your life and what you like.

Keeping Your Pet Bird Clean and Healthy:

Birds need to be cleaned and take baths regularly. Some pet birds have special glands that release oil on their feathers. This oil makes their feathers waterproof and protects them from harmful bacteria. If this oil builds up and is not cleaned off with water or safe products, it can cause problems for the bird. If a bird’s feathers are not taken care of, they may fall out, leading to serious health issues. Your doctor can suggest the right products and teach you how to groom your specific type of bird properly.

Creating a Comfortable Home:

Bird homes need some things to help the birds be happy and healthy.

The home should have toys that make the birds think and have fun, like swings and puzzles. They also need perches to climb or sit on, a birdbath to splash around in, and bowls for food and water.

If you live in a cold place, it’s good to cover the cage so the birds stay warm.

When you pick a cage, try to get a big one so the birds have space to spread their wings and fly a bit. But if that’s hard, make sure it’s at least big enough for them to flap their wings 3-4 times. This is a good tip for people who are new to taking care of birds.

Choosing the Right Food for Your Birds:

Birds don’t need expensive food. Even though they are small, it’s important to give them the right kind of food. Try to give them a good mix that has all the nutrients they need.
Be careful with really cheap bird food from pet stores. Check the nutrition information before buying it.

Best Birds for Beginners:

If you’re new to having a pet bird, you might be thinking about which bird is best for you. There are lots of kinds of birds, and each one is different. The best birds for beginners are the ones that are easy to take care of, fun, and friendly. Here are the top five best birds for beginners:

  • Budgie
  • Finch
  • Cockatiel
  • Dove/Pigeon
  • Lovebird

In conclusion:

Having a pet bird can be a wonderful experience, but it is important to be aware of some important things before getting one. Birds need special care, and they are different from common pets like dogs or cats.

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